12 Mistakes Men Commonly Make in Divorce

25th May 2020

12 mistakes men commonly make

12 Mistakes Men Commonly Make In Divorce

1. Moving out of the marital home

This is indirectly indicating to your wife you are ok with her staying/keeping in the house

You may have to keep paying the mortgage and the household bills even though you no longer live there

You will have your own living expenses on top of maintaining the marital home

Affordability may become an issue

You lack negotiating influence

2. Choosing the wrong lawyer or leaving getting legal advice too late

You need to pick a solicitor you feel comfortable with that you can be totally honest with one you know will have your back and want to protect you

You want to avoid taking a course of action that can turn out to have a negative impact on the final outcome Saving pennies early on could cost you more in the long term

3. Waiting for their wife to issue the divorce proceedings

If you issue first you lead and control the timescale. There are other advantages too

4. Concealing information from their solicitor

This places you in a negative light and prevents your solicitor from carrying out damage limitation.

If your solicitor knows everything, especially the bad things, then they may be able to put a positive spin on it and limit the damage.

An attack can be better than defence sometimes

5. Neglecting to spend time with their children

It will help you achieve a more generous child care arrangement

6. A sloppy job with their financial records

This can trip you up and reflect badly on your credibility and in some circumstances be interpreted as dishonesty

7. Talking too much with their wife, friends and family members

You risk negotiating against yourself

You risk setting your wires expectations far too high and it is harder and sometimes impossible for your solicitor no matter how good their negotiating skills may be to bring those expectations down to a more reasonable range without court action.

8. Revealing too much on social media - best to stay off social media totally

Without realising it you may be providing your wife with ammunition to help her in the divorce settlement. being tagged into posts by friends can also be a bad thing and be used as evidence against you and compromise your position

9. Burying their head in the sand

Inevitably this compromises your position and ultimately the final financial settlement, especially if court proceeds are issued

Act rather than react

10. Being ill-prepared

The best divorce outcomes are those where legal support is gained early on and a plan of action is agreed up.

11. Acting and negotiating terms of financial settlement from a sense of guilt

This is especially so if you are the one who decided to call time on the relationship or are involved romantically with a third party or are being put under pressure from family members

12. Being over-generous when agreeing on financial terms

Whilst this may not be a problem now it may in 5 or 10 years time when you are still struggling financially recovering from your divorce.

The older you are when you divorce the more relevant this mistake is.

Are you making any of these mistakes in your divorce?

Do you want help avoiding these mistakes to ensure you achieve a better divorce for your future happiness?

Life’s Chapters will guide you through the maze of divorce

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